As the popularity of green tea grows, healthy brands like Clover Farms may seem like a dime a dozen, but quality always rises to the top. You can make your own private label the talk of green tea lovers in your community or choose to profit from our name recognition. Either way, we’d be happy to help you improve your bottom line with our quality product.

The Power of the Clover Farms Name

Healthy Green Tea BrandsThe Clover Farms brand is one that means quality. We’re a company with a long history, having started operations in 1937 as a dairy farm. We’ve grown in size, scope, and quantity over the years. In addition to being the largest privately-owned dairy company in Pennsylvania, we offer a range of other products including 100% fruit juice, fruit drinks, iced teas, and bottled spring water. Stocking our products tells your customers that you care about the quality of goods you provide.

The Power of Green Tea

Green tea provides an abundance of health benefits not found in other drinks. It’s jam-packed with minerals and antioxidants that your body craves. Benefits you’ll gain from green tea affect everything from cognition to metabolism and resistance to disease.

The anti-inflammatory agents in green tea are substantial. They prevent cell damage and the development of cancer.

  • Tea is rich in polyphenols that have effects like reducing inflammation, preventing free radicals, and helping to fight cancer.
  • Green tea also contains the ideal amount of caffeine. It’s able to block adenosine so that neurons and neurotransmitters can do their thing without causing the jittery feeling associated with overdoing caffeine intake.
  • The combination of caffeine with the amino acid L-theanine is a substantial benefit of green tea. It can cross the blood-brain barrier, reduce anxiety, and work in conjunction with caffeine to maximize cognition, focus, and even reaction time.
  • Athletes and dieters alike can also benefit from green tea. Studies show that green tea improves both metabolism and performance.
  • Cancer kills indiscriminately – old and young alike. Green tea has been shown to have potential benefits that include preventing the development of cancer through antioxidants found in the beverage. Studies have shown a correlation between drinking green tea and preventing breast, colorectal, and colon cancers.
  • As scientists search for a cure for age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, green tea can provide possible protection. Experimentation has demonstrated that neurons in labs and animal models have found protection from green tea components.
  • Freshen your breath and avoid infection by drinking green tea. The catechins in green tea can kill the bacteria that cause bad breath and other infections. Studies have even shown them to be effective in inhibiting the flu!
  • Type II diabetes, heart disease, and obesity are lifestyle diseases that kill multiple Americans annually. Green tea drinkers are proven to be far less likely to suffer from these conditions.

The Power of Private Label Green Tea

Clover Farms offers private label services. This process involves putting your labels on our already-manufactured products, allowing you to reap the benefits of private branding without the many overhead costs.

Healthy green tea can be a major seller for your store, and the brands you stock can make a big difference. If you’d like to stock the Clover Farms brand or have us provide a private label product, reach out by calling (610) 921-9111 to consider every option we offer to help you grow your sales.