Looking for the best ice tea manufacturers in order to provide your customers with better-for-you, convenient, on-the-go refreshment options? Consider Icy Tea from Clover Farms! We can help you give them an exclusive high-quality product they can’t find anywhere else.
About Clover Farms
Clover Farms was established in 1937 in the rich, rolling hills of Pennsylvania Dutch dairy country. Our uncompromising quality can be found in every tea, milk, juice, or other fluid product we produce, package or deliver. Our tradition of quality, freshness and flavor is embodied in each and every refreshment that bears our name.
Choose Clover Farms Icy Teas
Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water, and it’s healthy whether you drink it hot or iced. It contains polyphenols – antioxidants that repair cells and help the body fend off cardiovascular diseases, cancers, osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, and other maladies. And, contrary to popular belief, green tea is not the only variety that offers health benefits. Black, white, and oolong tea also contain health-giving flavonoids and polyphenols.
If you are interested in selling cold, refreshing beverages, consider refrigerated Icy Tea from Clover Farms. Specially formulated from the finest all-natural black tea and charcoal filtered for an Icy Pure taste, it is available in a variety of flavors, including:
Original Lemon: We make this delicious iced tea from all-natural black tea that is charcoal filtered for an Icy Pure taste. It is sweetened with real sugar, contains 80 calories per 8-ounce serving, and has less than half the caffeine of coffee.
Diet Lemon: Choose sugar-free Icy Diet Lemon Tea for the classic taste of everything natural and delicious. It has just five calories per 8-ounce serving, two carbs, and is very low in sodium.
Decaf Lemon: The full-bodied Icy Decaf Lemon Tea is a bottomless glass of refreshment that contains maximum flavor without the caffeine.
Peach Flavor: If you love the delightful sweetness of peaches in a cool beverage, Icy Peach Flavor Tea from Clover Farms will keep you refreshed and contented.
Raspberry Flavor: Enjoy a flavorful twist on ordinary iced tea with the fruity, refreshing flavors of our Icy Raspberry Flavor Tea.
Lemonade Flavor: Icy Lemonade Flavor Tea from Clover Farms is a delightfully refreshing blend of iced tea and tangy lemonade that’s perfect for a hot summer day or, really, any day at all!
Green Tea: Reach for a bottle of Icy Green Tea and savor the health perks you won’t get from a can of soda. The flavors of green tea, honey and ginseng are an enjoyable alternative to regular iced tea.
Meadow Tea: Based on the traditional caffeine-free mint drink of the Pennsylvania Dutch in Lancaster County, PA, Clover Farms Icy Meadow Tea is brewed, sweetened, and chilled for your enjoyment.
Comparing ice tea manufacturers to find the best products? Get started in the beverage market with Icy Tea from Clover Farms or add the delicious flavors to your product line by getting in touch with us in Reading, PA. Call us at (610) 921-9111 to learn more.