The acquired joys of drinking green tea can enhance everything from mood to digestion and even cardiovascular health. Whether your green tea habits are fledgling or expert, when you need a ready-to-drink option, the best green tea brand is Clover Farms.

Best Green Tea BrandGreen tea’s popularity stems from both its healthy attributes and taste. Creating an always great tasting formulation has propelled the Clover Farms Icy Green Tea to best-selling status for several of our customers. To become a popular choice among the green tea enthusiasts in your area, stock Clover Farms brand Icy Green Tea. To further the reputation of your company and build a customer base beyond that, develop a brand/label using private label packaging services.

Imagine the power of having your own branded green tea option within your storefront. As part of an entire line of goods, this product will make your brand a player in customers’ minds and wallets.

Bitter green tea is always a danger when making or purchasing this drink. Often, the recipe, in an attempt to correct this problem, calls for too much sweetener. To prevent this problem, we make sure to use fresh and quality green tea leaves and brew at peak temperatures and steeping times. We know how to make excellently flavored green tea, so you don’t have to. Just grab a bottle of our product instead.

The Green Tea Choice

If you’re unfamiliar with the refreshing taste of green tea, consider the reported health benefits to motivate yourself to try it. Once you do, you’ll likely become a quick convert to Icy Green Tea.

  • Weight loss acceleration
  • Cancer prevention
  • Cognition enhancement
  • Age-related disease prevention (i.e. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases)
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Cell health protection
  • Focus enhancement
  • Immunity function improvement
  • Breath freshening
  • Type II diabetes prevention
  • Heart disease prevention

Green tea is one of the only true teas – meaning that it’s made from the tea plant Camellia sinenis. The true teas include black tea, white tea, oolong tea, and pu-erh tea. Other teas are known as herbal tisanes because they come from spices, roots, leaves, and roots of other plants.

The Clover Farms brand is one that’s associated with quality. Our long history began in 1937 when we were a fledgling dairy farm. Since that time, we’ve grown substantially. Today, we are the largest dairy operation in the state of Pennsylvania and produce an array of products including:

  • Liquid milk products (Whole, 2% Jog, 1% Trim, Slim/Skim, Nonfat, Chocolate)
  • Dairy products (cream, sour cream, eggnog, buttermilk, etc.)
  • 100% fruit juices
  • Fruit-flavored drinks
  • Ready-to-drink Icy Teas
  • Bottled spring water

A private label packaging plan with Clover Farms will broaden the base of your brand and increase your profit margin. Your label will grace the packaging of our products, so you’ll have a store brand all your own minus the expenses often related to such a heady undertaking. Our private label packaging service enables smaller companies to break into brand markets they might otherwise be prevented from entering.

Becoming the best green tea brand in town is easy when you partner with Clover Farms. We make it simple to stock our brand or your own. Call (610) 921-9111 for information about how we take our products and brand them as your own, to place an order, or to simply discuss how our operations can benefit your business.